Apoorva - 50 gm

₹440.00 ₹559.00
Out Of Stock

Kind - Water Melon 

Variety - Apoorva 

Produced & Mktd By - Seminis Seeds

Pack Size - 50 gm


किस्म - अपूर्वा

- सेमिनिस सीड्स द्वारा उत्पादित और विपणन

पैक साइज - 50 ग्राम

  • Outer Rind Colour 

     Light green with dark green stripes

    Big watermelon with high productivity

    Fruit Weight: 8 to 10 kg.

    Fruit Shape: Oblong

    बाहरी छिलके का रंग
    गहरे हरे रंग की धारियों वाला हल्का हरा
    उच्च उत्पादकता वाला बड़ा तरबूज
    फलों का वजन: 8 से 10 किलो।
    फल का आकार: आयताकार
  • About Brand- Seminis is the largest developer, grower and marketer of vegetable seeds in the world. Seminis develop hybrids that offer higher yield potential, improved quality, uniformity, flavor and nutrition, as well as better resistance to insect pests and adverse environmental conditions.

    Monsanto Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
    Ahura Centre, B Wing, 5th Floor,
    96 Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East),
    Mumbai 400093.
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