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Cucumber Belle -1000 Sds
In Stock
Attractive green colour
Cylindrical and straight Fruits
Good Self Life
Ability to bear more fruits
Good internal quality
Higher %age of Markatable fruits
high yield
Intermediate resitence to DM
आकर्षक हरा रंग बेलनाकार और सीधे फल अच्छा स्व जीवन अधिक फल देने की क्षमता अच्छी आंतरिक गुणवत्ता विपणन योग्य फलों का उच्च प्रतिशत उच्च उपज डीएम का इंटरमीडिएट निवास
Colar - Green
Fruit Length= 18-22 cm
Fruit Widt--3.5-4cm
Fruit Weight=150-200gm
First Harvrst =35-40days
About Brand- With a history of 100+ years globally and 25 years in India, the BASF vegetable seeds brand Nunhems is dedicated to producing best in class market-oriented varieties and seed products which fulfills dreams and enriches lives of customers.Address-
Nunhems India Private Ltd.
Opp. Brahama Kumari Ashram
Pataudi Road, Bhora Kalan
Bilaspur, Gurgaon 122413, Haryana
India -
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good trait fruit and colour.
very good yield