Indu - 10gm

₹235.00 ₹280.00
Out Of Stock

  • Indu shape is resembles more like coconut with green colour head.

  • Indu head weight is 1.5 to 2.0 Kg.

  • Perfect round Shape and good internal structure make Indu preferred farmer product in Gujrat and Madhya Pradesh.


  • इंदु का आकार हरे रंग के सिर वाले नारियल की तरह अधिक होता है।
    इंदु के सिर का वजन 1.5 से 2.0 किलोग्राम होता है।
    सही गोल आकार और अच्छी आंतरिक संरचना इंदु को गुजरात और मध्य प्रदेश में पसंदीदा किसान उत्पाद बनाती है।

  • Indu is a ball head type cabbage. Its shape is more resembles to coconut. Indu is Best suited for growing in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Indu comes with Compact curd with 20-30 days of field holding. Indu is preferred product for round the year productivity.

    Indu head shape is very attractive and best suited as per market requirement for ball head cabbage. Farmer always fetches higher prices for this shape and size.


  • About Brand- Seminis is the largest developer, grower and marketer of vegetable seeds in the world. Seminis develop hybrids that offer higher yield potential, improved quality, uniformity, flavor and nutrition, as well as better resistance to insect pests and adverse environmental conditions.

    Monsanto Holdings Pvt. Ltd.
    Ahura Centre, B Wing, 5th Floor,
    96 Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East),
    Mumbai 400093.
  • Reviews(3)

    • Stylexpo
      Dipak Das

    • Stylexpo
      Pankaj Kumar Rajput Pankaj Kumar Rajput

    • Stylexpo
      Pankaj Kumar Rajput Pankaj Kumar Rajput


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