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Infinity- 1000 Seeds
In Stock
Parthenocarpic beta alpha type hybrid
Cylindrical, glossy, medium green fruits
Semi-Multi fruited on main stem
Bears 2-3 fruits per node
intermediate resistence to powdery and downy mildew
Colar - medium green
Fruit Length= 18-20 cm
Fruit Width = 3.5-4cm
Fruit Weight=150-200gm
First Harvrst =35-40days
पार्थेनोकार्पिक बीटा अल्फा टाइप हाइब्रिड बेलनाकार, चमकदार, मध्यम हरे फल मुख्य तने पर अर्ध-बहु फलदार प्रति गांठ 2-3 फल लगते हैं पाउडरी और डाउनी फफूंदी के लिए मध्यवर्ती प्रतिरोध कॉलर - मध्यम हरा फल की लंबाई= 18-20 सेमी फल की चौड़ाई = 3.5-4cm फलों का वजन = 150-200 ग्राम पहला हार्वेस्ट = 35-40 दिन
Colar - medium green
Fruit Length= 18-20 cm
Fruit Width = 3.5-4cm
Fruit Weight=150-200gm
First Harvrst =35-40days
About Brand- With a history of 100+ years globally and 25 years in India, the BASF vegetable seeds brand Nunhems is dedicated to producing best in class market-oriented varieties and seed products which fulfills dreams and enriches lives of customers.Address-
Nunhems India Private Ltd.
Opp. Brahama Kumari Ashram
Pataudi Road, Bhora Kalan
Bilaspur, Gurgaon 122413, Haryana
India -
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