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MGH4- Warad - 50Gm
In Stock
Best suited for exports, this is a high yielding variety crop with longer shelf life. This attractive green fruit is appropriate for long distance transportation.
निर्यात के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त, यह लंबी शेल्फ लाइफ वाली उच्च उपज वाली किस्म की फसल है। यह आकर्षक हरा फल लंबी दूरी के परिवहन के लिए उपयुक्त है।
Kind - Bottlegourd प्रकार - लौकी Variety - MGH4- Warad किस्म -MGH4- वरद Produced & Mktd By - Mahyco Seeds उत्पादक एवं विपणन कर्ता- माहिको सीड्स Pack Size - 50 gm मात्रा - 50 ग्राम
About Brand- Mahyco Private Limited is focused on research and development, production, processing, and marketing of seeds for India?s farming fraternity. Founded in 1964, Mahyco is the pioneer of high quality hybrid and open pollinated seedsAddress-
Mahyco Private Limited
Jalna ? Aurangabad Road,
Post Box no. 76, Dawalwadi,
Jalna-431203 -
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