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Suhasini Plus - 2000 Seeds
In Stock
Maturity: 60 to 65 days after planting
Early Temperate Cauliflower with blue green leaves Compact dome, white curd Suitable for dry to cool climate
Early uniform maturity Weight Average curd weight 1.0 Kg to 1.5 Kgs
परिपक्वता: रोपण के 60 से 65 दिन बाद प्रारंभिक शीतोष्ण फूलगोभी नीली हरी पत्तियों के साथ कॉम्पैक्ट गुंबद, सफेद दही शुष्क से ठंडी जलवायु के लिए उपयुक्त है प्रारंभिक समान परिपक्वता वजन औसत दही वजन 1.0 किग्रा से 1.5 किग्रा
Maturity: 60 to 65 days after planting
Early Temperate Cauliflower with blue green leaves Compact dome, white curd Suitable for dry to cool climate
Early uniform maturity Weight Average curd weight 1.0 Kg to 1.5 Kgs
About Brand- Syngenta is a leading developer and producer of seeds. Syngenta bring farmers more vigorous, stronger, resistant plants, including innovative hybrid varieties and biotech crops that can thrive even in challenging growing conditions.Adress-
Syngenta India Ltd
Survey No 110/11/3, Amar Paradigm
Near Hotel Sadanand, Baner Road
Pune 411045, Maharashtra, India -
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