Tomato Arya - 3000 Sds

₹594.00 ₹891.00
In Stock

Semi Determinate

Maturity- 65-68 DAT

Shape- Flat round

Fruit Weight- 80-90 gm

Good heat Set

Intermediate ToLCV resistance

Uniform Fruit

Good Transportability 

अर्ध निश्चित

मैच्योरिटी- 65-68 DAT

आकार- चपटा गोल

फल का वजन- 80-90 ग्राम

अच्छा हीट सेट

इंटरमीडिएट ToLCV प्रतिरोध

वर्दी का फल

अच्छी परिवहन क्षमता

  • Cultivation Techniques

    Tomato is the Crop of tropical & subtropical regions. Although now a days it is being grown almost all parts of the worlds in controlled & uncontrolled conditions.


    Sowing Time: -

    • Summer- March- April
    • Winter- Aug-Sept

    Seeds: - Approximately 140-160 Gms of good variety hybrid seeds are required for one acre of field. Some of the good varieties are Ansal, Abhiraj, Abhilash, Ayushman, Alankar, Abhinav,Heemshikhar, Laxmi, Sampurna etc

    Nursery Preparation: The soil of the nursery should be well ploughed to bring fine tilth in the soil. Nursery can be grown on 1.2 Meter wide ridge beds. Length of the bed can be kept as per convenience.

    Soil & Land Preparation- Sandy loam soils with good preparation is found to be most suitable for growing of tomato. Add 8-10 MT well rotten FYM/Acre field for good health of the plants

    Transplanting- 25-30 Days old plants can be transplanted in main field. Transplanting can be done with the distance of 50 Cm between Plant to Plant and 60 Cms between row to row.

    Fertilizers- For the hybrid varieties, tomato need good amount of fertilizers. One acres of crop requires 60:36:36 Kg of NPK which can be given in variety of combinations. This can be supplied by applying 130 Kg Urea, 225 Kg SSP and 60 kg of MoP per acre. Urea is advised to apply in three equal doses.

    Irrigation- Irrigation intervals in Kharif can be is 6-7 days, in summer it can be 5-6 days and in winter it can be 10-15 days.

    Harvesting- Most of the varieties starts giving fruits after 75 days of transplanting. Pink to red tomatoes can be picked from the field which can be sent to the nearby market next or same day.

    Production- Production of the tomato can vary from variety to variety. It largely affected by growing technique and crop management.



    टमाटर उष्णकटिबंधीय और उपोष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्र की फसल है। हालाँकि अब यह नियंत्रित परिस्थितियों मे दुनिया के सभी हिस्सो मे उगाया जाता है


    बुवाई समय: -

    • गर्मी- मार्च-अप्रैल
    • शीतकालीन- अगस्त-सितंबर


  • About Brand- With a history of 100+ years globally and 25 years in India, the BASF vegetable seeds brand Nunhems is dedicated to producing best in class market-oriented varieties and seed products which fulfills dreams and enriches lives of customers.

    Nunhems India Private Ltd.
    Opp. Brahama Kumari Ashram
    Pataudi Road, Bhora Kalan
    Bilaspur, Gurgaon 122413, Haryana
  • Reviews(6)

    • Stylexpo
      kamlesh maurya

      very very good product

    • Stylexpo
      Harender Bainsla

      very good????

    •   (Arya )
      Rajesh kumar


    •   (Arya )
      Rajesh kumar


    •   (Strong)

      loose nahi hota

    •   (Excellent Product)

      strong fruit

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